Friday, November 19, 2010

It's all About Looking Cute in the Kitchen

Yet another fabulous package of fabric has arrived at my doorstep, and while I am busy busy busy getting all my projects done for the holidays, I thought maybe its time to make a little something for myself!

I've been dying to post some pictures of my completed projects, but since many of them are Christmas presents not yet delivered, I don't want to ruin any surprises! This FABULOUS Michael Miller Fabric with a 50s Housewife pattern is my latest purchase -- and one that I was trying hard to come up with an appropriate project for. In the spirit of the holidays, I've been doing a lot of baking and thanks to my friends over at Penne & Olive ( I made the yummiest batch of snickerdoodles!! As much fun as all this baking (and eating the baked goods) can be, its also quite messy, and silly me, I don;t even own an apron. Well...what a perfect project for my fabulous new fabric!

Thanks to Penne & Olive for the inspiration, and stay tuned for some pics of the finished project -- I only hope it does this amazing fabric justice :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sly, Like a Fox

My friends say I'm crafty. While I first thought they meant I was sly, like a fox, it seems more likely that they're referring to my affinity for all things handmade. I learned to knit from my Mom at a young age, and have since taken up every form of handmade craft that I can including crochet, needlepoint, emboidery, crewel, and most recently sewing.

I get really enthusiastic about starting a new project or learning a new technique and will keep myself awake into the wee hours to perfect it or finish that last row. However, I'm easily distracted by the allure a new project brings which has resulted in my shelves and closet spaces at home becoming filled with half done projects and dozens of books and patterns left untouched. I've made a resolution to start completing these projects, and only buy new materials with specific projects in mind - as opposed to buying skeins of beautiful yarns and yards of fabrics just because I like the look of them. My hope is that this blog will hold me accountable for actually completing projects before beginning 10 new ones!

As I'm writing this post, I'm reading an email from a girlfriend saying that our brand new Alexander Henry fabric ( just arrived in the mail - and in true form, I have NO idea what I'm going to make with it.....sigh....

This is going to be harder than I thought.